Vishal Kennedy

Ph.D. Student, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2022 - Present
B.S.-M.S. in Biological Sciences, IISER - Kolkata, 2021
Address    430 Hesler Biology Building

Additional Links: Google Scholar - Personal Website - Current CV

My Research: Research in the realms of evolutionary biology, chemical ecology, plant biochemistry, and systematics fascinates me. For my master's thesis at IISER-Kolkata, I conducted an independent study on "Understanding Resource Allocation Trade-Offs in Plants" by studying defense and growth through identifying and quantifying plant secondary metabolites in Brassica using various biochemical assays and analytical chemistry. With recently found love towards Mosses and Bryology, I'm excited to use Moss models to examine the incredibly fascinating and enduringly puzzling concepts of 'Parent-Offspring Conflicts' for my Ph.D. under Dr. Jessica Budke.

Outreach: I have a strong passion for conservation biology and have actively participated in volunteer efforts for olive ridley turtles conservation. Additionally, I support teaching underprivileged children in their native language back in India through governmental & non-profit organizations.

About Me: I was elected as the Student Affairs Council's (SAC) General Secretary while attending IISER-Kolkata, and I helped my institute finish third overall in the Inter IISER Sports Meet (IISM) as sports secretary. You can find me playing badminton or working out when I'm not in the field or hunched over a microscope.