Dr. Maryam Noroozizarmehri

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2023 - Present
Ph.D. in Plant Systematics, Kharazmi University, 2021
Email   mnorooz1@utk.edu
Address    432 Hesler Biology Building

Additional Links: LinkedIn - Current CV

My Research: I am generally interested in plant taxonomy, morphology, and phylogeny. The core of my interests are the evolutionary processes and phylogenetic patterns that lead to divergence among plants and describing relationships among taxa. In my doctoral dissertation, I developed a research program exploring the evolution of pollen morphology in Boraginaceae. My studies are not limited to vascular plants, but also, more recently, I have focused on some groups within the Bryophytes. Currently, I am applying a similar integrative framework to understand the evolutionary patterns of morphological characteristics and their potential roles in the evolution of parent-offspring conflict in mosses. To accomplish these goals, I’m using modern molecular methods, including gene and/or genome sequencing, and bioinformatics tools to design and build a comprehensive phylogeny of moss families. I am also assembling a morphological data matrix from herbarium specimens and the literature. Then, I will integrate the phylogeny and morphological data matrix to examine evolutionary patterns of morphological characters that are hypothesized to play a role in the evolution of the parent-offspring conflict in mosses.

Outreach: I am passionate about all levels of Biology from molecular to ecosystems. It has long been an interest of mine and I enjoy sharing what I discovered with others. To achieve this aim, I have mentored students in various fields of plant biology and data analysis. I will also collaborate in teaching a course in the May-term at UTK. During this course, I will involve students in two different manners: fieldwork and molecular laboratory research.

About Me: I am originally from Iran— the country with a variety of natural wonders, ranging from splendid beaches to arid deserts. Living and growing up there had a large impact on my desire to study Biology. Away from the Biology, I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking and baking, and photography.